Sunday, 21 September 2014

How to keep your vagina fresh and clean,and free from foul smelling.

1.) Trim Away Pubic hair untamed can cause the womanliness to have a ‘funky’ smell. This is because the hair traps sweat and drops of body secretions- totally not cool. In order to have excellent feminine hygiene, women are recommended to shave or trim their pubic hair. That hairless look is not just appealing to women but to their partners too by al means trim and tame! 2.) Go Easy On Intimate Washes There are a lot of feminine hygiene washes and products out in the market all claiming to be the best, ladies are encouraged to be wary of them. Products that contain strong scents, for instance no matter how hypo-allergenic can cause infections which leads to itching, swelling and foul-smelling discharge. Studies actually reveal the womanliness is self cleansing so with proper intimate hygiene, you can do without the washes. 3.) Wipe Clean After each trip to the bathroom, always wipe the outer surface of your womanliness clean. This eliminates the scent of urine, sweat and natural discharge and instead of rough tissue paper, use baby wipes instead, its refreshing. 4.) Wash Often Whenever possible, women should wash their private parts in order to smell good. Do not use regular soaps as it can be really drying and irritating, if you have to use soaps go for soft toilet ones. Make it a habit to wash before and after sex to avoid any embarrassing revelations. 5.) Watch What You Eat Experts say, ‘you are what you eat’ and that influences how one also smells ‘down there’. Go easy on spicy foods as well as asparagus if you want to smell heavenly. Instead infuse a lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to have a fresh smelling scent in the womanly area. Drinking lots of water, pineapple juice and cranberry juice also help! 6.) Visit A Gynaecologist Often Trips to the gynecologist can be pretty daunting and not usually common around here but they are recommended and really help with the process of maintaining good feminine hygiene. More importantly, gynecologists offer valuable information on how to maintain the cleanliness of the womanly area and also recommend feminine hygiene products according to a woman’s specific pH level....

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