Friday 19 September 2014

Medical martial law declared in Sierra Leone; Ebola victims hunted like fugitives in house-to-house searches

Medical martial law has now been declared in Sierra Leone while the government conducts a house-to-house hunt for Ebola victims who are being treated like "medical fugitives." "Sierra Leone ordered its 6 million people confined to their homes for three days starting Friday," declared the Associated Press today. [1] The outlandish cover story for this medical quarantine operation that will invade the homes of private citizens in an Ebola victim fugitive hunt is that volunteers will be handing out bars of soap. As the AP reports: ...volunteers will try to identify sick people reluctant or unable to seek treatment. They will also hand out 1.5 million bars of soap... Ebola victims who flee deadly hospitals will be hunted down and rounded up People who are "reluctant" are those who have fled Sierra Leon's hospitals which have become nothing more than Ebola death traps that offer no solutions whatsoever against Ebola. This entire campaign, which is being supported by thousands of U.S. soldiers as well as the United Nations, is a striking sign of extreme desperation, demonstrating that world governments are now resorting to "nuclear options" in last-ditch attempts to halt the exploding outbreak that could kill millions, even if it stays contained within the African continent. What the U.N. and W.H.O. are really causing, however, is encouraging citizens of Sierra Leone to flee the country in order to escape the medical martial law. This may actually increase the spread of Ebola rather than containing it.

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